About Me
Hello, my name is Deanne, but my friends and family call me “Dee”. I have worked hard in the corporate world for many years and I still love it. But, a long time ago I realized that I needed an outlet for my creative side. I decided in the late summer of 2015 to create a food blog. I come from a very creative family of fine artists & accomplished musicians & even a chef, my brother-in-law, who has provided much inspiration & encouragement to me over the years. I found my passion and creative outlet in the kitchen. I have loved to cook and create new dishes since I was very young. I also love to entertain. When I get the chance to host or plan a party; look out, that’s when I really get to explore and satisfy my creative side!
I have hosted gatherings from small intimate book clubs to holiday parties of more than 50 revelers. A few questions and compliments that I always hear are “how do you always find interesting things to serve”, “how do you know how much food/drinks to serve” and “Can you host my next party”?!
Well, that is what this blog is about; sharing my take on classic-family recipes, tweaking and recreating dishes I enjoy with my husband out at restaurants and sharing ideas for parties and events with you.
Joining me throughout this blog will be my husband, Chris, who also happens to be my dishwasher, taste tester and sometimes sous-chef when I really need a hand! His greatest skill in the kitchen is reaching those heavy bowls on the top shelf & the baking dishes buried down low. My 2 children, Emma and Matthew also love to join me in the kitchen to help prep meals (which I love that they now have an interest in learning how to cook), cleaning (they don’t love that part so much) and their favorite-taste testing! Sometimes too much help with the taste testing, especially if there is something sweet like chocolate involved. Toby, our family dog, is always present if there is cheese to be found and he is an awesome floor cleaner for anything that might tumble off our plates.
I hope you enjoy my blog. If you see something you like feel free to leave a comment and would love to hear if you have ideas of what you would like to see. As my Italian Grandparents always said, “Mangia”.
a.k.a. Dee